OPINION: Failed Government Programs Lead To No Change In Police Response

LINK: https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/buffalo-mass-shooting-terrorism-charge-1.6474085


Jason MacKenzie – internetnews.press

Another mass shooting in the United States and again we get the same thing, no new government response.

A failed government from a failed country, the economy is all obsolete products, covid based sales market full of scams and poor quality and now this, years of political talk and “gun control” and things have gone backwards.

What have we learned?

The local police can not control every random shooter, politicians running on the platform have totally failed.

Heading out of the 1980’s and 1990’s from political leaders in the Ronald Reagan era we never received much from their successors who left us with no housing marked, no new commercial products, failed computers full of spam that have to update everyday, obsolete products and multiple billing across one service – internet.

I mean how many devices do you need a bill for that only use one service anyway?

Total scam.

The last political group and their financial backers just never got it done, no products or customers in business to back their candidate for political change.

In the end it fell to us, University Graduates with no work to fire them.

As you can see that is what happened, the police just can’t get there every time people – that was the end of thirty years of politics, now it’s finally back to the status quo.

Hopefully in the future new political candidates can run on a platform that is not obsolete so we can have something to buy and vote for with our money, until then we’ll just have to spend it on something different.


Are Police To Blame For Late Response In School Shooting?

LINK: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/6/1/analysis-police-guns-and-schools-protected-from-lawsuits-over-texas-shooting

Texas shooting: Police, guns and schools protected from lawsuits

While public outrage grows in the United States over a school shooting in Uvalde, Texas that left 21 dead last week, the victims’ relatives may never get their day in court against police, school authorities and gunmakers who enjoy special legal immunity that may protect them from being sued, according to attorneys.

As in past school shootings, families of the 19 students and two teachers will likely find that any lawsuits will run into legal challenges that do not exist for shootings in the workplace or other private property.

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Heat Dome Engulfs Europe, Spreading To Canada

The Heatwave in Europe caused by a large “Heat Dome” is also spreading to Canada and causing a massive heat wave.

LINK: https://www.sciencealert.com/in-europe-a-historic-heat-wave-is-shattering-records-with-ease

A Giant ‘Heat Dome’ Over Europe Is Smashing Temperature Records, And It’s on The Move


A historic heat wave is bringing unprecedented temperatures to Western Europe, and is poised to expand northeastward to Scandinavia and into the Arctic by late this weekend.

Once above the Arctic Circle, the weather system responsible for this heat wave could accelerate the loss of sea ice, which is already running at a record low for this time of year.

First, residents of Paris, London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Munich, Zurich and other locations are suffering through dangerously high temperatures on Wednesday and Thursday.

Already on Wednesday, all-time national heat records in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany had fallen, right on the heels of a late June heat wave that broke similar records in France and other countries.

The German meteorological agency noted that Wednesday’s national record of 104.9 degrees Fahrenheit (40.5 Celsius) may last just a day before being broken on Thursday.

It’s difficult to beat all-time heat records in mid-July, considering this is the hottest time of year. It’s even more unusual to beat these records by a large margin, which is what is occurring now.

For example, Paris is likely to exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 Celsius) on Wednesday by a few degrees, and break its all-time high temperature record of 104.7 degrees Fahrenheit (40.4 Celsius) by up to 3 degrees Fahrenheit on Thursday, with a forecast high of 108 Fahrenheit (42.2 Celsius).

The city’s all-time high temperature record has stood since 1947.

Multiple all-time records were set elsewhere in France on Tuesday, both for daytime highs and hot nighttime low temperatures.

The UK Met Office is predicting that the country’s all-time national heat record of 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit (38.5 Celsius) will be broken Thursday.

In addition, national heat records in Germany, where the mark to beat is 104.5 degrees Fahrenheit (40.3 degrees), could be set this week as well.

Heat of this intensity constitutes a significant public health threat, particularly for vulnerable populations like outdoor workers, the elderly, young children, those with compromised immune systems and anyone lacking the means to cool down.

In most of the cities currently affected, people lack air conditioning at home and in many public buildings and transit systems.


RELATED: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/06/29/hot-car-deaths-15-children-have-died-heatstroke-2019/1606316001/

There have been 15 heatstroke deaths of children left in hot cars in 2019. And it’s not even July.

Fifteen children have died from heatstroke in the USA this year as a result of being left in hot cars – and it’s not even July.

Three of the deaths occurred since last Saturday, and extreme heat is likely in the South and parts of the Midwest on Sunday heading into the Fourth of July. 

The latest hot car death came Thursday evening in Morristown, Tennessee, when a 3-year-old boy was found in a minivan after he had been reported missing since 4 p.m. The temperature had reached 90 degrees.

“Officers found the child deceased on the floorboard of a minivan that was parked on the property,” the city of Morristown wrote in a statement on Facebook. “Investigators believe, at this time, the child entered the vehicle without anyone knowing and became trapped.”


HIV Cured By Stem Cell Transplant

Two patients Cured of HIV with Stem Cell Transplant

HIV patient seemingly cured in second remarkable case, London doctors report

LINK: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2019/03/05/hiv-cure-london-patient-aids-treatment/3063749002/

A patient in London is HIV-free, doctors announced this week in what appears to be an astounding case.

A patient who was diagnosed with HIV in 2003 has become the second patient ever known to be cured of the infection that affects close to 37 million people worldwide after receiving a bone marrow transplant intended to treat cancer, doctors say. The patient received the stem cell transplant from a donor with a rare CCR5 mutation that allows HIV resistance in May of 2016 to treat his Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

The London patient, who is remaining anonymous, also underwent chemotherapy. He took antiretroviral therapy drugs for HIV until September of 2017, doctors say. His drug regiment was much less harsh than the only other known patient who was cured of HIV. 

He has been HIV-free, in remission, for 18 months, according to tests.

In a research letter set to publish Tuesday in the peer-reviewed journal Nature, doctors who treated him say this proves that the Berlin patient cured of HIV in 2007 wasn’t an anomaly and HIV remission is possible.

“Everybody believed after the Berlin patient that you needed to nearly die basically to cure HIV, but now maybe you don’t,” said Dr. Ravindra Gupta, a virologist at University College London who presented the findings at a conference in Seattle, The New York Times reports. 

The first patient to be cured of HIV, Berlin patient Timothy Ray Brown, underwent two bone-marrow transplants also for cancer treatments, took a cocktail of drugs and experienced serious complications that put his life in danger. At one point, doctors induced a coma. He survived the ordeal, coming out of it without HIV. Over a decade later, he is still considered cured. Treatments that have tried to replicate Brown’s result in other HIV patients have failed, until now. 

Gupta’s team says the London patient’s treatment isn’t conventional for all HIV patients, but does offer hope for future HIV and AIDS treatments. 


HIV Hiding in Cells Can Now Be Measured, But Are We Closer to a Cure?

The road to a cure for HIV is long, winding, and with no definite end in sight.

That said, a new study published last month in the journal Nature is shedding light on a way to measure what is considered an inactive form of the virus that rests hidden in people’s cells.

This so-called “latent reservoir” of HIV has stood as a roadblock to eradicating the virus, stubbornly staying put despite being attacked by increasingly sophisticated antiretroviral drugs used to treat the virus.

For researchers in the HIV cure field, this new technique is a significant development because it offers a clearer look at how to pinpoint this viral reserve.

Why is this important?

Past tools are said to have greatly overestimated how much of this under-the-radar cache of virus existed in any given cell.

Now, measuring the reservoir to see how it responds to experimental therapies may be less of a shot in the dark.

LINK: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/hiv-hidden-in-patients-cells-can-now-be-accurately-measured

Polar Vortex Brings Frigid Weather To Much Of Canada

Polar Vortex Brings Frigid Weather To Much Of Canada


Global News – https://globalnews.ca/news/4907009/polar-vortex-canada/

Extreme cold has gripped much of Canada thanks to a hovering polar vortex.

READ MORE: Canada’s wild weather: Flowers are blooming in the west and snow is pummeling the east

Large swaths of the country are under extreme cold alerts. Stretching from Saskatchewan through Manitoba and northern regions of Ontario and into Quebec, temperatures dipped south of -50C with the windchill Wednesday. And it’s not over yet.

“This polar vortex is expanding out to include more of North America on Thursday,” said Global News chief meteorologist Anthony Farnell.


Deep Freeze Hits Mid-west, Stops Mail Delivery

Temperatures Plummet

At least 2,700 flights were cancelled nationwide, more than half of them at Chicago’s two main airports. Another 1,800 flights scheduled for Thursday were also called off. Fuel lines at O’Hare Airport froze, forcing some planes to refuel elsewhere before continuing to their destination, an airport spokeswoman said.
